
"The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together." - William Shakespeare, All's Well That Ends Well

Sunday, October 08, 2006

What are you knitting?

I have been scolded for my lack of entries, but I have to plead innocent! Our computer was fried in a recent lightning storm and I was wallowing around in the mire of non-technology. I've found my way to a new computer and happily so. What did we do before internet? I never thought I'd be asking myself that!

I love the question "What are you knitting?" It comes up frequently in my job at the yarn shop.

Well, I'm working on just a few projects... a cardigan for my niece in cornflower blue RYC Cashsoft Baby DK, a pullover for my nephew in denim-colored Rowan Summer Tweed, a felted bag for my Mom's birthday, a cardigan for myself out of an exotic yarn I purchased from Seattle's Tricoter last spring, Sally Melville's Wavy Stripes pullover in Louet Sales' Opal, and a never-ending pullover out of Cascade's Fixation. Hmm. Actually I'm kind of relieved that that's all there is! The mountain of yarn in my sewing room belies the fact that I'm feeling pretty caught up at the moment. I could feasibly not buy yarn for five years and still have enough projects to keep me busy for the duration... but why in the name of all that's holy would I do THAT? Silly.

I tell customers all the time, "There's no small print on the receipt that says you have to finish one project before you buy yarn for another!" Part of what gets knitters through the tedious portions of some projects is the idea of something new. Creativity can feel a bit starved when you're on the five thousandth stitch of a twenty-five thousand stitch sweater! You've got to toss it a bone in there, let it know that this isn't all there is! Working several projects simultaneously is also a way to enjoy varying levels of difficulty... you cannot have a conversation while knitting most lace patterns, so rather than be a hermit until it's done, you have a 'no brainer' project going on at the same time.

I love our yarn shop. The ladies who meet there to knit are a mix of everything that makes women so special. As we enjoy each other's company and help each other out our hearts are truly knit together also. I'll miss these friends... but I take them with me, knit right into the projects I've made sitting at the table with them. If I hold my sweater close enough I think I can hear Sara laughing! And isn't that a bit of Ginny in the seed stitch edging?

I guess what I'm really knitting is a lifetime of memories... now that's an heirloom!

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Blogger Dianna said...

So relieved to see that you didnt fall of the face of the earth with a 15 pound knitted sweater..(we have one of those at work, made out of LP bulky) eww. I miss my little knitting buddies so much!And I really miss you lots mommy! Last night I finished one felted purse for my knitting class, and the other grosely disgusting hot pink and black purse is yet another project that was in the works but needed to be finished by someone..why did I volunteer myself?? I love you, Im off to "the shop" call me sometime or I'll call you, i ve got lots on my mind I need to vent to someone who understands the arts of working in a yarn store!!
Lots of Lovies, Dianna

7:02 AM  

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