
"The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together." - William Shakespeare, All's Well That Ends Well

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Knits & Pieces

I'm finding some time and energy now for the things that keep me sane.

The first month or so of work left me drained at the end of each day. I've worked outside the home before, but never 40-plus hours a week at a job that is non-stop all day long! I barely had enough energy to eat and fall into bed and so I could get up and do it all again! But I'm finding my balance and working small measures of self-preservation into my days and nights.

I recently finished a sweater and quilt for a friend's first baby girl, Keira Bella. Her Mommy is all-girl, so I figured we better get Keira Bella off to a good start too. Hooray for Baby Girls! Pink is so yummy to work with!
I also finished a lace shawl, but that picture will have to wait. It's currently being blocked on the living room floor.
Today was sunny and about 50-degrees, so after work I took advantage of that little hiccup in the weather and went for a run. I ran for an hour... it was positively theraputic. Running here on the island is like watching a nature movie unfold before your eyes; Deer, birds, mossy glens, new flowers emerging, cherry blossoms on the trees, and the smell of wet, loamy soil.
No news yet on what our future holds here... all of that is still just out of reach. In the meantime I just keep selling fish, running, knitting, and piecing scraps into quilts. Once in a while the sun peeks through the clouds and reminds me of the bright hope that is tomorrow.


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