
"The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together." - William Shakespeare, All's Well That Ends Well

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Return to the Empty Nest

So this is my little Wummie... I started calling her that when she was just born; she was my 'Woman-Child', her brother being my 'Man-Child'. Eventually it was shortened to 'Wummie' and it's stuck around for years. Twenty, to be exact.
Wummie is off to Kona this month to work and go to school at the University of the Nations. She'll be attending the lecture/class phase for a few months, then spend another two months in India and China. She's been globe-trotting since she was fourteen. Europe, Tanzania, India, Madagascar, and now off to Asia. So many experiences for One So Young.
This Woman-Child is one of my Best Friends. We didn't always see eye to eye, but she chose to respect and obey her Daddy and me, and now admits that we were Almost Always Right... at least I think that's what I heard her say. In any case, she never gave us anything but joy, even if it meant smiling through clenched teeth. The past year with her has been so amazing for our relationship. She's seen me through some hard times, held me when I cried, listened to me when I was frightened, and freshened my drink when I was parched. She's even been my designated driver on more than one occasion. What else could a Sad Mommy ask for?? Thanks, Chowdie! Oh, that's another nickname: Chowder. You see, Woman-Child was also shortened to Child at times, and then warped into Chy-old, and then Chowd, and then Chowder... and about ten variations of that. We're big into pet names in our family. I won't bore you with them. Let's just say none of us go by our real names.... EVER.
So, this is just a little entry to my Wummie. I miss her, but hopefully she is going to find the direction God wants her take for the next few years. Wherever that path leads, I know she'll always follow the bread crumbs back to Home and the Mommy who loves her so.


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