
"The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together." - William Shakespeare, All's Well That Ends Well

Monday, August 04, 2008

Mom, Interrupted

I don't know if anyone really reads these posts. After all, I don't talk to anyone anymore and I wouldn't blame them for not caring to keep up with my goings on. I'm not trying to be a hermit, it's not my intention to have alienated myself from my old life, it's just what happened on the way to where I find myself today.

I still work at the grocery store, but I like it less and less. I do have to say that being a cashier is much less pathetic if you can say you're doing it to work your way through college, so I'm taking full time online classes to get my associate's degree, and then I will work on my bachelor's degree in psychology. I had a Christian therapist once who was so much more helpful because of his Christian worldview. I'd like to be that same person in the lives of others who are hurting.

I also clean houses on the side, and have a Saturday morning job working at the local farmer's market. It's getting my little woman through college, at least for now! I'm moving soon, to cheaper digs, and that will be helpful.

The highlight of my summer has been having all the kids home last month. Emily flew in from Costa Rica, on her way back to Kona to finish her last year there. Micaiah and his parents flew over from New Jersey to meet all his west-coast family. It was a wonderful week, and of course it went far too quickly. Next month I'm flying out to celebrate Micaiah's first birthday!! Just seems like yesterday I was flying out to meet him for the first time. He's a treasure. The happiest baby ever. I mean EVER. All smiles, all the time. Nice.

So that's what I'm up to. I'm tired. I'm frustrated. But it's a season. I hope next season will be a bit more restful, but these seasons aren't like the real ones where you know what's coming next. These are more like ones you put in a hat and hope to draw out the better one next time.

It's my life, just not like any life I've ever known.