
"The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together." - William Shakespeare, All's Well That Ends Well

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Meaty Goodness... mmmm!

I've used this recipe with Standing Rib Roasts-- in days of yore, when money was apparently no object!-- but now share the method using the lowly Eye of Round Roast, which can be picked up on sale for about three bucks a pound...

Give it a try sometime; I think you'll love it!

High Temp Eye of Round Roast

1. Preheat oven to 500-degrees
2. Season your roast to taste ( I like salt, fresh-ground pepper, garlic powder, etc.) and place in roasting pan, uncovered, with no liquids
3. Reduce oven temp to 475-degrees, put roast in to cook for seven minutes per pound (i.e. a three pound roast would cook for 21 minutes)
4. Turn off oven and do NOT open the door at all for 2 1/2 hours!
5. Slice thin and enjoy!

This makes a delicious, tender, and medium-rare roast out of a normally very tough piece of meat! You can slice it up for lunchmeat too, making an economical cold-cut at half the price of deli-counter meats!

Serve it with Aus Jus sauce, or horseradish... yum yum yum!

I'll have to add it to the menu of my new business venture: In Good Taste, Your Personal Chef.
Have you seen my website?


Monday, March 29, 2010

Yard Sale Treasures!

I'm so excited that spring is here... last week began the first wave of yard sales, and there was treasure, treasure everywhere!

This 1950's doll house is in perfect condition; and each room is so sweetly decorated I almost wish I could live here myself. I've always had a 'thing' for dolls... in fact, I'm making a new batch of them this week to sell at the farmer's markets with Bob's sheds. His work is primitive and rustic, so my dolls will be too. I don't think you're ever to old to play with dolls...
Another of my weaknesses is dishes--at one time
in my life I owned eight sets--which led to this little indiscretion....
I certainly don't need any more dishes, but oh my goodness, these were soooo darling! There's an entire place setting for six, including delicate cups & saucers, a cream & sugar set, and a tea-pot, all in this sweet Pussy Willow design, made in Japan and quite vintage! I can't wait to have a lovely hutch someday to show them off! It makes me want to have a tea party and invite you over for finger sandwiches!

These are some beautiful tulips that Emily sent me from Holland when she was there with YWAM. I only wish she was here to enjoy them with me now!
I don't think I ever imagined I'd be at this place in my life right now and my kids wouldn't be right down the road...
Miss those little guys!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Blurbing vs. Blogging

To say it's been a while since I've blogged is rather an understatement. I can only plead insanity based on Facebook, and make a vow to return to the purity of blogging.
Facebook is cloying; it's the Reader's Digest of communications. A simple and fast read in lieu of anything deeper and more meaningful. I'm not ashamed to say I've enjoyed it very much-- indeed, if it weren't for facebook I wouldn't have found many of my old friends and enjoyed being in touch with them over the past year!
But I also miss the deliberate outpouring of myself that blogging allows. Lately I've been surfing the blog sites of other crafters, moms, and artists, and thinking, "Dang! I need to do this again!" and do it with more consistency. I've got some great stuff going on in my life and I want you all to see it...
So, I'm going to keep my camera handy, and I'm going to write about what I'm doing and why it makes me so happy to do it!
And, yes, I'll still be on facebook. But it's time to get back to chapter books about life, and not just blurbs.
Stay tuned!